Sunday, September 30, 2007

Naughty naughty

I got home at 1pm today. That was not part of the plan. I think I am officially a filthy-dirty stop-out for the the second day in a row.

Before I start my reflections aka self-ranting on the weekend, just a helpful hint to anyone looking for educational content in this post - there will be none. Except perhaps ideas for a behaviour support plan for myself.

Thursday night - BITC presentation. Might have gone better if I'd actually looked at the presentation any time before 4 minutes to kick-off, but anyhoo. Am pleased with my blagging skills and feel that while the content of my chatter was a bit wayward, the banter kept it entertaining. Drinks after and then slightly tipsy book marking, a good look.

Friday night - Steve's 25th (can't believe people are turning 25!) party at The Loop. This place is a vortex for me, there is just no way I can control myself in there. Not sure the Canadian Club helped. Had a good time with the Curly-Haired one, he makes me laugh. One of the many people I am confusing this weekend, excellent, clearly messing people around is a forte. Needless to say I am not following up on that.

Saturday, absolutely knackered and hungover. Spent most of the day swanning around. Managed to do my ironing and make a "student of the week" poster.

Saturday night - Krazy's birthday at his Notting Hill pad, very nice. Despite best intentions to get there early and get home early, the cheeky glass of wine with a matey beforehand warmed me up nicely and I decided instead to go on the rampage. Luckily Sanju was there to help me feel like my general poor behaviour was not as juvenile/ridiculous as it obviously was. She is such a role model, hahaha. Got on swimmingly with Krazy's sister, told her I was going to marry her little bro (news to her and to Krazy!), and then proceeded to flirt outrageously with her husband's brother. He was tri-lingual, you know I love words and he has three times as many, how could I resist? Before we got too friendly I figured it'd be a good idea to check on Sanju, given that we'd lost her about 2 hours earlier. Found her asleep in a room, and decided I should take a cheeky nap too, since it was probably bad form to fall asleep on the boy. Woke up in a minor panic at about 6am, when I realised the bedroom had got mighty cosy with two more entrants, and also that I was wearing someone else's top. Denial was the only option, just shut my eyes and went back to sleep. Still can't remember much of the night, except that I know I had a dance-off, that I got cross with some boys about something, that Sanju wouldn't let me go to the loo by myself (not because I was incapable, but because she was being a weirdo), and that Krazy called his maid at about 9 in the morning to come and fix the disaster zone (that made me laugh, he is so pampered!)

Sanju and I had a nice brunch in Notting Hill, was delicious, particularly because there was no way any of my kids would walk past and shout "Miiiiisssss!!!" through the door. Then we went to Portobello market, accidentally spent too much money, oh well. Right I am bored of this now. I am going back to bed to reflect on my whirlwindyness. The right thing to do this weekend would have been resting and relaxing. Whoops. Also, I don't think I actually feel that bad about all this, given the slightly comical spin I have given the title of the post. Come on now Miss, be serious.