This is where I've been living the past week. Now, apologies for not posting sooner, and also apologies for this post since it won't contain much detail. Essentially I have had a very stressful week. Key events include:
1. TF Coach matching event and associated hangover on Tuesday night
2. Having all the things nicked outta the boot of my car and glove compartment sometime on Tuesday night/Weds morning (including my teaching stuff, my wallet, house keys, school keys, expensive sunglasses, USB stick with personal files on it, and all my PE stuff - special gym trainers are gone, boo hoo)
3. Being very cross with the colleague I left my car with, who I suspect either forgot to lock the car (how could someone do that in Walthamstow?!) or nicked the things herself. Negative thoughts, I know, but I am still cross.
4. Spending hours in 3 different police stations over two days.
5. Having a semi-black eye and looking old and haggard and rough.
6. Walking outta school on Weds and then being royally bollocked by my folks. Deservedly.
7. Having OFSTED in on Thursday, having lost my lesson plans for the day, made new lesson plans, finding that the server has crashed so all plans for ICT lessons were defunct, making a third set of lesson plans, and otherwise having a very intensive day.
8. HSBC maths day today, again running activities, which was a bit stressful, but really today has been the best day all week.
9. No petrol in car and no money to buy petrol so adding hours to my journey time whereever I've been going. Not that I've been going anywhere exciting since I have no keys to get back into our house.
10. Minimum sleep and food and general smileyness over the past few days.
Actually, that is more detail than I intended, but clearly you can't wait to hear the full story. Have to pack for my flight to Toronto tomorrow, but will update as soon as poss. Woo half-term, the light at the end of the tunnel!
1. TF Coach matching event and associated hangover on Tuesday night
2. Having all the things nicked outta the boot of my car and glove compartment sometime on Tuesday night/Weds morning (including my teaching stuff, my wallet, house keys, school keys, expensive sunglasses, USB stick with personal files on it, and all my PE stuff - special gym trainers are gone, boo hoo)
3. Being very cross with the colleague I left my car with, who I suspect either forgot to lock the car (how could someone do that in Walthamstow?!) or nicked the things herself. Negative thoughts, I know, but I am still cross.
4. Spending hours in 3 different police stations over two days.
5. Having a semi-black eye and looking old and haggard and rough.
6. Walking outta school on Weds and then being royally bollocked by my folks. Deservedly.
7. Having OFSTED in on Thursday, having lost my lesson plans for the day, made new lesson plans, finding that the server has crashed so all plans for ICT lessons were defunct, making a third set of lesson plans, and otherwise having a very intensive day.
8. HSBC maths day today, again running activities, which was a bit stressful, but really today has been the best day all week.
9. No petrol in car and no money to buy petrol so adding hours to my journey time whereever I've been going. Not that I've been going anywhere exciting since I have no keys to get back into our house.
10. Minimum sleep and food and general smileyness over the past few days.
Actually, that is more detail than I intended, but clearly you can't wait to hear the full story. Have to pack for my flight to Toronto tomorrow, but will update as soon as poss. Woo half-term, the light at the end of the tunnel!