Monday, October 16, 2006

Yay - my Year 8s finally understand percentages after 10 HOURS of lessons on it. 10 HOURS! I didn't even think there would be 600 mins worth of teaching to do with percentages. Evidently I was wrong.

Boo - my Year 11s don't understand how to convert between units e.g. go from centimetres to metres. It didn't help that I told them that there were 100m to a km, whoops. Fingers crossed this doesn't take 10 hours.

Yay - last lesson with Year 7s tomorrow, which means we will have fun. Obviously the definition of fun will conception being mental maths riddles, who wants to be a maths millionaire, or maybe a bit of fraction bingo. Aaah yes, maths fun is the best fun.

Yay - I have finished the rubbish book. The ending was rubbish too. Am now reading Small Island by Andrea Levy. Within the first 70 pages this book is already so much better.


There were sixty pupils in the first class I had to teach. Sixty children fidgeting like vermin behind rows of wooden desks. Sixty nappy-headed, runny-nosed, foul-smelling ragamuffins...I was used to children from good homes..In that school no child ever wiped their running nose across their sleeve before raising their hand high into the air and waving it around like a semaphore. No child would chant "Miss Roberts, Miss Roberts", over and over until I could not recognise my own name. And no child ever subtracted five from ten and made the answer fifty-one.

Infinitely better. Maybe because I can empathise...?

In other news, I think that if I can hack teaching I might become a spy. Also, it'd be awesome if the cast of Neighbours and Hollyoaks got together to make a feature length epic. The plots would be amazing, oh and the colloquialisms...

My favourite line from today's Ramsey St came from Dylan: "Why don't you just build a bridge and get over it?". Guess who'll be using that in school tomorrow?