Friday was full of good drama highlights. I was on duty at break in the playground and some Y9 boys had brought in Chinese firecrackers and proceeded to set them off in front of everyone. Despite not being an expert on the school rules, I was pretty certain that this was against them, and so I had to spend lots of valuable time chasing the boys. Excellent. Then, at lunchtime, I headed into the maths block to set up for my lesson and there were kids smoking in the hallway. INSIDE! How daring. They obviously ran away, so again I had to do some chasing. Honestly, these kids, why can't they stay out of trouble? Still, it was kinda funny.
In other news, I am going to pick up my piano today, awooohooo! Also, my brother says he is going to buy me a bop-it, which is also good news. These things are amazing - Disneys in particular will love it; a very worthwhile investment with hours of pointless fun right at your fingers (not that you don't have this already, nudge nudge wink wink...heehee. Although, Mouche, the pile of stuff is lots of fun too. My GCSE Geography coursework is currently on the top, though I think the Over Head Projector writing kit might soon take the much coveted pole position).
Right that is all. Oh, except I love the Docklands, they are so pretty.