Puja wimped out early in the game, perhaps in sympathy for the temporarily absent Sparrow. Luckily Jade was able to soldier on and so we completed five glorious toasts.
1. To the beautiful weather and may it last evermore (Puja, Lindemans Cassis, nice toast nice drink).
2. To a happy Tamil New Year for everyone (Me, Lindemans Framboise. Not convinced this was raspberry, tasted more like cherry).
3. To health, wealth and happiness (Jade, Chimay Rouge. A traditional Chinese greeting for a strong Trappist Ale).
4. To fit people (Me, Lindemans Cassis again. Yes, the standard of toast dropped here).
5. To true love and may we find it this year (Jade, two glasses of beer, one passion fruit, one apple. What a soppy toast, bless!)
Realised just now that we missed out Delirium, some beer that Braden was raving about in Montreal. Also didn't drink any Kwak, the good stuff in the sciencey-type glasses. Would def go again then, if only to finish off the menu (we have a looong way to go!)
At some point we discussed the concept of instantly fit people, and decided we didn't really know that many. Our contenders:

They will remain unnamed for legal purposes, and they're not the best photos, but I'd like to point out that clearly my contender, "blue tie", is fitter than the other two. Right girls?
And finally, you wanted to see photos of finishing finals. Well, I sadly can't locate mine, but here are some others: