meena just caught up on ure blog thing after a bit of a break and could barely concentrate on anything other than the fact that mos was put forward as ure 'instantly fit' candidate. i hate u.
Hahaha! But he is instantly fit - I can't help that. Also, how instantly fit is this guy? I found him on SB's blog and have no idea who is he, but yum yum yum.

In other news, when support teaching Y9 today, "G" says to me: "Miss, you should become a teacher you know". Humph. Clearly have had an impact there then.
Am on an Autograph course tomorrow, yay! Autograph as in the software package, not Autograph as in learning to sign my name (as my mother thought - strange).

In other news, when support teaching Y9 today, "G" says to me: "Miss, you should become a teacher you know". Humph. Clearly have had an impact there then.
Am on an Autograph course tomorrow, yay! Autograph as in the software package, not Autograph as in learning to sign my name (as my mother thought - strange).