So it is fairly obvious I have given up doing anything education related this week. Instead I have been drinking my money away, good stuff.
Yesterday night Bertie came down for a bit of a jolly. We started off in a nice little pub near Chancery Lane, where we discussed the pros and cons of the "great race race". He is the first one to think it would be ok to have a race on facebook similar to the girls vs boys, except along the lines of racial origin i.e. blacks vs whites. I know it would be controversial, but fun(!) all the same.
Please note, I'm not into stirring up racial hatred or anything, just curious as to why girls vs boys is acceptable whilst blacks vs whites probably wouldn't be. I'm probably being thick, I know it would cause trouble, but why?
Anyway we moved on to the Knight's Templar, a Wetherspoon's better known to me as the Scholarship.

I tend to drag people there kicking and screaming, until they see the wonderful ship style lavatories and the pear cider, and then they're converted. Here Ish (and Suze, briefly) joined us. We then moved on to Ish's house where we met Chi, Clare and Nas, and Berts cooked us all carbonara. By this time I was pleasantly merry and a good time was had indeed.
(As an aside, I told Ish about and she thought it was a great idea. Also, I bought a Big Issue on Weds and the lead article was about social entrepreneurship, so am gonna see if there's any real advice in there about what to do next).
The real point to this post though is how different all my friends are from each other. I sometimes honestly wonder what would happen if I put them all in a room together. Some of them are in fact so different from others that I'm sure they wouldn't even speak. Actually, that's pretty harsh, they probably would talk, but run out of things to say rapidly. But why are they so different? And to which group do I really belong?