· I should give myself the same care and attention as I give others.
· I am not an endless ‘resource’ for others, I must stock up on ‘reserves’ and not get too drained.
· I have needs to which may be different from my family’s, my friends or my colleagues.
· I do not have to say ‘yes’ to all requests – or feel guilty if I say ‘no’.
· The ‘perfect’ parent, partner, child or career person does not exist – the ‘good-enough’ one does!
· I have the right to be treated with respect as a worthwhile, intelligent and competent person.
· I do not have to have everyone’s approval all the time to know that I am trying my hardest.
· Time for unwinding is time very well spent.
· Making mistakes is not a disaster – I can learn from these and it allows others to as well.
· I must be fair to myself and remember, at all times especially in the face of criticism, anxiety and difficulties, THAT I AM DOING THE BEST THAT I CAN!!
Courtesy of the Circle-Time Website.