To echo the sentiments of TeacherMan of thelondonpaper, what on earth is the point of school now? All the GCSE kids are gone, lots are on work experience, the rest are just watching videos and making posters and counting down the days to the summer. Except, of course, when they are causing trouble. Teachers, meanwhile, are entirely exhausted and have become pretty apathetic. Behaviour is just appalling but no-one cares any more. For example, at break today there was a fight in the playground in direct view of the staffroom. Back in March, any sign of a fight and immediately half the staffroom will step up to sort it out. Today, the chorus of excuses was beautiful, ranging from "I'm not here next year so I'm not sorting it out" to "I'm eating my sandwich, they'll have to keep fighting till I finish". On a similar vein, I caught a girl wearing completely bright, and odd, socks, pulled all the way up her calves (not quite part of the uniform) while another girl was actually wearing a trainer on her right foot and a ballet pump on her left. When confronted, both said "but Miss, there's only a week left". I had to concede, the argument was bullet-proof.
In other news, my Y8s made me so cross today that I actually had a mini-breakdown on the phone to Bertie at lunch-time. Thank you Bertie for putting up with my incoherent rambling. I think it's because I can't exercise so all my crossness just builds up inside. Anyway, I feel much better now, but I swear, had one of them pushed me just a little further, well....let's not go there.
Why isn't it summer yet?
In other news, my Y8s made me so cross today that I actually had a mini-breakdown on the phone to Bertie at lunch-time. Thank you Bertie for putting up with my incoherent rambling. I think it's because I can't exercise so all my crossness just builds up inside. Anyway, I feel much better now, but I swear, had one of them pushed me just a little further, well....let's not go there.
Why isn't it summer yet?