After the drinking, there was a mini-program called National Gallery. Today's featured painting was The Arnolfini Potrait, Jan Van Eyck 1434. Here it is:

And some things that I've learnt about it:
- The man in the picture was Giovanni di Nicolao Arnolfini, an Italian merchant living in what we now call Belgium.
- He stands with his second wife, who is actually not pregnant, but instead wearing a full-skirted dress at the height of fashion. It was unlikely she ever had children.
- They are very rich - clues include real fur trimmed clothes, a pretty dog, ornate surroundings, and oranges (rare and thus expensive).
- Most interestingly, alongside the rear reflection of the couple, the mirror in the background also shows a vague reflection of another couple in the room. Is one of these people Mr Van Eyck? Further, the dog is not reflected...poor doggy.
- And finally, the work is inscribed: "Johannes de eyck fuit hic". A website translates this Latin as "Jan Van Eyck was here". Good graffiti.

You'll be pleased to know that I am busy researching my other commuter idea (I've made a brainstorm and everything!) so will be back here later with an update after I finish these boooooring old lesson plans....