...was closed today. Except for....that's right...you guessed it.....my school.
And why, you ask? Because we're an Academy and so we "put learning first".
Rubbbbish. Learning? What learning? The kids were absolutely off the wall. Particularly since right from the start of the day they were told they couldn't go outside because of health and safety issues. Surely this is against some kinda school rule or something?
Anyway, how can they expect kids to learn when they're practically being kept prisoner and there's lots of beautiful fun snow outside? If we'd let them out for 15 mins, most of them woulda got bored by then and got it outta their system. But no. So instead we have them bouncing off the walls inside school.
Glorified babysitting, that's what we did today. Except at least you can control babies.
Tomorrow will be worse:
1. Still no fixed classrooms so mayhem.
2, Black ice will form over night and so everywhere will be slippery and dangerous.
3. It's non-uniform day.
4. It's the last day before the break.
5. The fire alarm was set off twice today and no-one was caught (while the kids who set it off yesterday got off with "community service").
Aaaaaaargh! Fingers crossed lots of them stay home tomorrow. One more day, that's all I can say....
On the plus side, some comedy work below from my delightful little brother and his St John's buddies. Creative stuff. See, this is why the rest of the Tabs would "rather be at Oxford than at John's". Aaah to be a student again...

And why, you ask? Because we're an Academy and so we "put learning first".
Rubbbbish. Learning? What learning? The kids were absolutely off the wall. Particularly since right from the start of the day they were told they couldn't go outside because of health and safety issues. Surely this is against some kinda school rule or something?
Anyway, how can they expect kids to learn when they're practically being kept prisoner and there's lots of beautiful fun snow outside? If we'd let them out for 15 mins, most of them woulda got bored by then and got it outta their system. But no. So instead we have them bouncing off the walls inside school.
Glorified babysitting, that's what we did today. Except at least you can control babies.
Tomorrow will be worse:
1. Still no fixed classrooms so mayhem.
2, Black ice will form over night and so everywhere will be slippery and dangerous.
3. It's non-uniform day.
4. It's the last day before the break.
5. The fire alarm was set off twice today and no-one was caught (while the kids who set it off yesterday got off with "community service").
Aaaaaaargh! Fingers crossed lots of them stay home tomorrow. One more day, that's all I can say....
On the plus side, some comedy work below from my delightful little brother and his St John's buddies. Creative stuff. See, this is why the rest of the Tabs would "rather be at Oxford than at John's". Aaah to be a student again...