Despite calling it a To-Do list, it's actually probably more accurately a To-Think-About list. Sure I have loads of things to do, but before I can do most of them, I have to think about them. It's the effort of thinking about them that makes me put off actually doing them. This is because it's against my nature to do things without thinking them through first. My life history shows that efforts at spontaneity have seldom had positive outcomes.
Basically I'm a very keen planner. Keen is an understatement...I love being prepared. Well, I used to love it, but slowly I am finding it harder and harder to make and stick to plans. So now it's all about being plan-free and just taking things as they come.
Today I didn't have a single lesson plan for what we did, and things worked alright (miraculously!) This new found confidence in free-styling is obviously reckless. As my Canterbury professional tutor tells me "if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail." Wise words.
So yes, this weekend I will aim to get back on the planning (both school and otherwise). Basically, I should add "do my to-do list" to my to-do list.
In other news, it took me 75 mins to do the usual 15 minute journey home. It was due to some major hold-up on the A406. Loooooads of cars at a stand-still, mostly with only one person in each of them. Car-pooling anyone? On the plus side, some smart people co-ordinated us driving the wrong way back up the slip road to escape the traffic. There were too many people doing illegal manoeuvres for the onlooking law-enforcers to do anything about it. Excellent, the power of the majority!

On the even more plus side we feasted on nutella and banana pancakes, yum!
How good do these look?
Basically I'm a very keen planner. Keen is an understatement...I love being prepared. Well, I used to love it, but slowly I am finding it harder and harder to make and stick to plans. So now it's all about being plan-free and just taking things as they come.
Today I didn't have a single lesson plan for what we did, and things worked alright (miraculously!) This new found confidence in free-styling is obviously reckless. As my Canterbury professional tutor tells me "if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail." Wise words.
So yes, this weekend I will aim to get back on the planning (both school and otherwise). Basically, I should add "do my to-do list" to my to-do list.
In other news, it took me 75 mins to do the usual 15 minute journey home. It was due to some major hold-up on the A406. Loooooads of cars at a stand-still, mostly with only one person in each of them. Car-pooling anyone? On the plus side, some smart people co-ordinated us driving the wrong way back up the slip road to escape the traffic. There were too many people doing illegal manoeuvres for the onlooking law-enforcers to do anything about it. Excellent, the power of the majority!

On the even more plus side we feasted on nutella and banana pancakes, yum!
How good do these look?