Friday, October 12, 2007

The Day Off

We've had the day off school for Eid-Ul-Fitr. How have I spent it? Oh that's right. Hungover. Productive.

I have so many books to mark. In fact I'm so behind that I haven't set homework for two of my groups so that I could try and catch up. I also have soooo much to do for my uni applications. But no. The hangover must take precedent.

So let me give the hangover the attention it craves. It's a red wine hangover, mixed with unacceptable nicotine inhalation...the most potent of them all. I went to the gym to try and combat it, but even when sitting in the sauna after a hard workout, the faint aroma of shiraz and smokes lingered. And then when I got back home I managed to drop my car keys down the back of the shoe rack in the porch, thus I was trapped and the day was written off.

I knew I was going to get hammered after the rather effort-inducing Thursday. My Y10s decided to flip again, so I had to shout at lots of them. Even S, who is naughty naughty and has an awful home life, but I have made him one of my special stars, and he knows it. That's why it gets to me when he behaves poorly; it's like he's testing me all over again. I taught a great lesson with my Y9s on tessellations that I'd made at lunchtime while my detainees looked on. I drew lots of shapes and then photocopied them onto card and the kids spent the afternoon cutting out the shapes and tessellating them and colouring in the patterns. It was fun but hard work.

But then after school I had parents in, and there was Year 8 detention going on the next room, and the kids were just mad, like shouting and screaming and stuff. One kid in particular, she was just a nutter. Her twin sister is already on the way to an exclusion, and now I guess she wants some of the action. She called a cleaner stupid when she was in the detention, and then started shouting and swearing at her Head of Year when told off about it. While the Head of Year took her away to some senior management person, I was left with the detention kids.

One of them threatened to throw another out the window. The boy in the room was rocking on his chair and moaning at the window. Another girl was banging her head on the table and then rocking the table back and forth. I tell you, it was like the Breakfast Club but with proper freaks. I was counting the minutes to get outta the place, and head to the TF event. Needless to say the event was pretty good and the free canapes and drinks were even better.

Which brings me to now. I'm away this weekend so I have to pick up the pace and get this stuff done. Sorry hangover, time to move on.