Monday, October 08, 2007

Dazey Day

I am hibernating. By that I mean I am wearing lots of clothes and hiding in my bed. This is nice.

I didn't bring any books home to mark today. I didn't really feel like it.

It's time for a week off the drink, I think the cumulative hangover is causing my melancholy. Perhaps also the horrendous nightmare I had last night that woke me at half four and stopped me going back to bed. Going to school on 3 hours sleep is just silly. Nevertheless, I am pleased I can push myself through it. Although "it" went by in a daze to be honest. A daze of dropping things, amongst which include my phone from the first floor landing to the ground floor; a knife from the kitchen drawer to almost my toes; a colleague's cafetiere (yes, the glass broke).

Apart from the almost dream-like wanderings of the day, I have spent a good amount feeling slightly restless, as if I am killing time until something, but I don't know what that is. Strangely I sat in my classroom alone at lunchtime, despite deciding I wasn't going to do any work today. That was definitely killing time, but then went it came round to lesson 5, I didn't really want to do that either. Apathy. Boo.

On the marginally more alert side, just played three of my scrabulous games and got some good stuff down. My words: jar (30); talented (60); dominate (90). A touch of arrogance perhaps? I am particularly enjoying the roundness of those scores, and the way they are multiples of 30.

I'm going to bed now, I think it's best. I don't want to join the legions of staff off sick at the moment.