It's half-term! There's no better feeling than knowing you have a glorious week of lie-ins and time to spend as you choose.
Right now I have been up for about an hour, am sitting in my pyjamas, catching up on emails and phone calls. Usually on a holiday I tend to go a bit mad i.e. party a bit too hardy almost every night of the week and then return to school not quite rested. This time I am going for the calmer and more mature option, taking it easy :) Aaaah it'll be grand.

I just found this picture and quite liked it. Hasn't got much to do with the next paragraph but anyway.
Refereed a football match yesterday after school, completely impromptu, did it in my work clothes and borrowed trainers, how unprofessional! The game was our staff vs the staff from Warwick School for Boys (another local comp). Hilarious game, loads of the kids were there supporting, and the staff put in a really good show, lots of comedy football and silliness, a nice game indeed. We won 3-1, made a coupla dodgy decisions, but it went pretty well, really enjoyed it. Maybe I should get myself back into refereeing? Actually, no chance, like there's any time for that this season.
Speaking of seasons, have entered my fantasy team into our school's league in the Schools Fantasy League, a lovely idea whereby kids, teachers and parents from across the UK set up fantasy leagues and compete within and between schools. For teachers there are supposedly lots of associated resources, particularly for maths, citizenship, business and IT. Am yet to find these but anyway. Very cocky about my team, already told all the kids in my tutor group that I will beat their teams. Those of you who have seen my past fantasy footie performance will realise I am all talk and no points, heehee. Still, The Magic Numbers aren't too bad a side, we will definitely not sink this weekend.
Well, time to get on with the day, i.e. piss about and then enjoy the rugby :) Happy half-term!