Saturday, October 06, 2007

Sleep Rambles

Absolutely cream-crackered and it's only quarter to four. My sleep debt must be on a par with what some random small country owes the UK government. I think that sentence would have been better if I had some numbers in it. 7483423908403. Numbers :)

Saw my TF coach on Thurs night. Did some deep bonding - he's remarkably easy to trust. He says its because he's completely away from the rest of my world so I can say whatever I want to him and there are no repercussions. I think I get where he's coming from. Anyway, he told me to pull my socks up and stop making excuses. He says everything can be controlled through a positive frame of mind, and that if I'm smart and capable then I should just go for everything I want to go for. So long as I believe I'm making the right decision and that everything is under my control, well, things will be grand.

Went nutso with my tutor group too, set them all hours and hours of detentions. Had parents in to complain on the Friday, that was fun. One of the boys had told his mother that he wanted to die because school was too hard. Oh dear. Felt pretty bad about the whole angry/negative thing I've got going with my group at the moment, need to be stricter but kinder too.

Had a lovely time last night, some squash and then some alcoholic squash (ok, fine, beer, but alcoholic squash woulda been good too). Am pretty sure I am about to cause all kinds of drama, but the anticipation of it is exhilarating. Deep breaths now, heehee.

Was told to check out this guy. I think I've seen him before, maybe on the telly or something. Anyway, here's one of them, hahaha....

Relaxing with Taxidermy

When their chihuahua got stuffed
they were really chuffed,
no need to feed her
or walkies on a lead her
no more poop to scoop
and doesn't she look smashing on the mantle piece?
She'll always look at the camera now.
I don't know why we bothered having her alive at all.