Another good day today. I am liking this.
Most people are looking fairly exhausted by now. Eight days of teaching left, then the extra 5 days of INSET and closure to move to the new building. We're all counting them, but given that I've had 4 weeks off, I'm feeling fairly fresh.
Did a lot of running around after my form today. There was some drama about books being thrown out of the windows in my absence. E was having an off-day and getting kicked out/storming out of lessons. We made a bargain and shook hands saying we'd both do our best to get through the day. Crazy H is back from Pakistan and looking more care-worn than ever. I want to hug him and feed him and nurture him and make him alright, he's like a little stray dog to me. We chatted about minor things; it's difficult to talk with him properly, but I hope he understands that we all want him to have a fresh start.
Saw my Y12s for the first time today, was very funny, got into a huge debate about sex and religious education in school. A good number were very much supporters of the whole "if you come to this country you should accept British values" which is hilarious since they're from all over the place and not exactly your typical right-wing types, heehee. Had my Y9s after lunch, although not teaching them, just sorting them out a bit. Was dead sweet, they all cheered when I was back and said how much they had missed me etc. so was actually quite devastated to have to then turn around and leave them with a supply teacher and tell them I wouldn't be with them properly until after half-term. Oh well.
Finally, went to a TF event on "Managing Your School Career", which is ironic since I figured I was leaving, but now that I'm back I've got some perspective again and I realise how much I do love it, especially the kids and the staff at my school. There's no other place you could go to where if you were off sick literally hundreds of people would be asking how you were and checking up on you in the corridors (even the naughty kids do it, it's great!). It's such a community, despite all the problems, and I can't think of being needed or doing as much good in the same way as I feel I am at school.
Gosh, with all this drama I get concerned any time I have a strong feeling of any type. I am paranoid I am subtly getting manic without noticing. It's no good all of this thinking. I am confused.
Anyway, words of the day today:
capricious - changeable (I'm sure I've looked this up before...)
complaisant - showing a cheerful willingness to do favours for others
ossuary - a building below ground level
diaphanous - semitransparent
parsimonious - excessively unwilling to spend
perfidious - tending to betray (punic is a synonym, what a great word!)
itinerant - traveling from place to place for work
Most people are looking fairly exhausted by now. Eight days of teaching left, then the extra 5 days of INSET and closure to move to the new building. We're all counting them, but given that I've had 4 weeks off, I'm feeling fairly fresh.
Did a lot of running around after my form today. There was some drama about books being thrown out of the windows in my absence. E was having an off-day and getting kicked out/storming out of lessons. We made a bargain and shook hands saying we'd both do our best to get through the day. Crazy H is back from Pakistan and looking more care-worn than ever. I want to hug him and feed him and nurture him and make him alright, he's like a little stray dog to me. We chatted about minor things; it's difficult to talk with him properly, but I hope he understands that we all want him to have a fresh start.
Saw my Y12s for the first time today, was very funny, got into a huge debate about sex and religious education in school. A good number were very much supporters of the whole "if you come to this country you should accept British values" which is hilarious since they're from all over the place and not exactly your typical right-wing types, heehee. Had my Y9s after lunch, although not teaching them, just sorting them out a bit. Was dead sweet, they all cheered when I was back and said how much they had missed me etc. so was actually quite devastated to have to then turn around and leave them with a supply teacher and tell them I wouldn't be with them properly until after half-term. Oh well.
Finally, went to a TF event on "Managing Your School Career", which is ironic since I figured I was leaving, but now that I'm back I've got some perspective again and I realise how much I do love it, especially the kids and the staff at my school. There's no other place you could go to where if you were off sick literally hundreds of people would be asking how you were and checking up on you in the corridors (even the naughty kids do it, it's great!). It's such a community, despite all the problems, and I can't think of being needed or doing as much good in the same way as I feel I am at school.
Gosh, with all this drama I get concerned any time I have a strong feeling of any type. I am paranoid I am subtly getting manic without noticing. It's no good all of this thinking. I am confused.
Anyway, words of the day today:
capricious - changeable (I'm sure I've looked this up before...)
complaisant - showing a cheerful willingness to do favours for others
ossuary - a building below ground level
diaphanous - semitransparent
parsimonious - excessively unwilling to spend
perfidious - tending to betray (punic is a synonym, what a great word!)
itinerant - traveling from place to place for work