Sunday, December 02, 2007

Belated Sunday Noon Rambles

This is my horoscope for this week, courtesy of the Sunday Times:

This week’s events pit your fundamental practicality against the more canny side of your nature that has a knack of observing developments and making remarkably accurate predictions. The practical side insists that you need to consolidate arrangements involving personal, domestic and relationship issues. But your intuition says that because the sweeping changes you’re observing would rearrange various elements of your life anyway, it’s not worth bothering until the dust has settled. What you can do is tidy up mundane obligations so that, when the changes you’re anticipating begin early next week, you’re ready for them.

Good, I like mundane obligations, they sound decidedly drama-free. But I do have a pressing To-Do list that is gnawing at me, despite my attempts at ignoring it. Perhaps it's more of a Maybe-Do list?

Last night I was at my uncle's daughter's birthday party, a 5th birthday party I might add, so it was hilarious. Proper old-school - party bags and hats, musical chairs and statues, party poppers etc. For the kids AND for the grown-ups. I did the night entirely sober, and it was good fun, but for some reason I woke up this morning with what feels like a hangover. This is strange. I'm sure I didn't drink.

I also managed to pop my shoulder out while turning over in bed last night, that wasn't fun at all. There's an unpleasant ache in my arm now, and if I allow myself to think about it, I can just about remember the excruciating pain of a distended shoulder. Ouch. Dang my loose ligaments.

So due to my fatigue I have bailed on lunch, but am due at a fancy pants 1st birthday party in about 2 hours. Good-oh. What is the deal with all these kiddy parties? Have I regressed somewhere along the way? I think I may need to drink through this one...