Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quick update

It's Sunday and I am busy planning lessons, fun fun fun. Thought I'd take a cheeky break to give you updates.

Played benchball with year 7s on Friday, sooo much fun, I love PE. Same year 7s (plus the boys) were rather hyper lesson 5 on Friday, I think because it was "wet weather break" at lunchtime cos it was absolutely pissing down, hence being caged up made them crazy. I let the kids take their shoes off in the lesson cos they were soaked through - big mistake. One boy emptied his shoes under his desk and created a bit of a puddle, whilst other kids' feet just plain reeked. Shoes on in future.

Had some fun on the interactive whiteboard - am trying to make more use of ICT in my lessons, which hopefully should lead to them being better organised, although currently all ICT seems to do is cause more problems e.g. crashing PowerPoint, not being able to write on the board, losing the pointy stick thing under piles of paper etc.

Have got my first lesson observations this week - eeek! Am a bit scared, keeping my fingers crossed the lessons don't go too badly. Also got my first coaching sessions on Weds, yay football!

Accidentally missed a departmental meeting last Thurs after school - whoops! Team Maths were pretty nice about it, and also nice about me missing the monthly "Maths Curry"...second social that I've missed so am gonna make a real effort to make the next one.

Rather strangely was given hints from a colleague that I should try and impress management so that they offer me a permanent job. Thought it was all a bit early for that kinda stuff, but guess it can't hurt to start making a good impression.

Wow, am knackered, need another weekend, the next one's sooooo far away :) Was really good to see the Keble kids and Disney too, it's really cool to see how far people have come and what they're doing in their lives now. Oxford seems years ago already.

Shout outs to Disney, apologies for the poor performance. Shout out to Ange too, Audi TT eh? Chuckle, good to hear you drive like me ("excuse me Mr Man, how do I make it go backwards?") And finally to the Kenya kids too, especially Shreqa, happy belated birthday!