Cold and Itchy
I choose this picture because I am currently cold. And itchy. This basket of knitted stuff doesn't look too itchy, but I have memories of itchy woollen things. I understand the cold - something is wrong with the heating I think (luckily my room is warm, yay!) but I don't understand the itchy. It's pretty bad actually, I have all those weird marks on my face that appear when I scratch. I look like I've been in battle with a mad cat. A battle I lost. If I am still itching after my afternoon of work, I will start to research this disease I read about in The Metro, the font of all knowledge.
What else? Well I have been wishing that apple jam and pear jam existed in the UK. And more banana yogurts, yum yum. I also wish that people who make yogurt pots would get rid of all the unnecessary corners and edges that just serve to trap yogurt. I think the best pot design so far is the Muller one, minimum space to waste yogurt in, plus what a generous helping!
In other news, I had lots of crazy nightmares last night, some loosely connected to a programme about the really really awful and scary genocide in Congo and Rwanda, some do to with "all my crops failing" (hmmm, what crops?!) and the last one to do with a Disney trip to a theme park where we all went on a rollercoaster (a real one, not a psycho-babble one) and drank a bottle of some mystery clear alcohol as we went round. When we got off everyone said they hated it, but I loved it, and actually thought it was a bit tame and we could do better, but everyone else wanted to go home.
We have a party to go to tonight, how exciting, but first I must finish my "editing and improving". If you are still looking for things to read, check out SB's blog, some good stuff on there.
PS I have changed my posting identity, mainly to do with paranoia that I will be identified on here. Explanations on my new identity at some point.